Our Philosophy

Leadership and change are closely interwoven. And: above all, leadership means interacting with other people. The resulting leadership success depends to a large extent on the ability to assess people and situations correctly. This includes assessing oneself as objectively as possible. It is important to be able to recognize and control both personal actions in their effects on third parties and the interactions of third parties with each other. This is where our work comes in: we sharpen our clients' view of their personal impact on the environment and thus develop their potential to make their leadership more successful.

Our Consulting Approach

The goal of our work involves the fully individualized accompaniment, support and consulting of top executives and the organization for which they are responsible. This applies to the innovative, strategically inspired and visionary charismatic "leader" as well as to the more planning and implementation-oriented manager. In both cases, these are executives who assume responsibility at the highest level and pass on the requirements derived from this responsibility to lower management levels in a motivating manner. To ensure long-term success, both the one and the other group are needed. Standardized measures do not usually achieve a significant effect with managers at this level and are therefore ruled out for reasons of lack of acceptance and limited time resources. For this reason, we workexclusively according to a concept that is completely tailored to the commissioning company.

Our Consulting Approach

Our Starting Point

Our Starting Point

Leadership means the willingness to act and decide pragmatically on the basis of vision, clear objectives and accurate assessment of the environmental conditions. The central prerequisite for the actual practicability of a consulting approach is a high degree of pragmatism on the part of the consultant in assessing the framework conditions within which a manager must operate. The success of our consulting services is based on the many years of personal leadership experience of our consultants. Pragmatism takes precedence over dogmatism: concepts that do not seem feasible when measured against the corporate reality of the respective client are discarded. After all, consulting can only provide tangible benefits if the practical implementation of the theoretical concept can be realistically demonstrated. This is particularly true when it comes to leading people.

Our Stocktaking

Some clients come to us with a clear task, which they have already defined on the basis of their situation analysis carried out in advance. Often, however, the opposite is the case: a problem is there without it being clear where it primarily stems from and, above all, how it could be solved. Accompanying our personal assessment of the situation, we use the Human Impact Matrix, an analysis tool developed with colleagues: the client himself defines, with the help of a selection of pairs of opposing concepts, the key topics on which he must work personally or within his organization.The selected terms are then structured and prioritized in a matrix, which serves as a basis for the subsequent processing of the individually defined issues.

Our Stocktaking


International Business Consultants
Königsallee 14
D-40212 Düsseldorf

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